Lunch Champs offers a 12 day menu cycle, providing variety for your supper, backpack, emergency meals, field trips or snack plus programs. Want to customize your own pack? We can do it.
Lunch Champs
The National School Lunch Program makes it possible for all school children in the United States to receive a nutritious lunch each and every school day. Champion Foodservice offers a wide variety of shelf stable Lunch meal kits. Our 12 day menu features healthy, whole grain, delicious and nutritious items , that kids love.
Lunch Champs.....
Great for Grab N Go
Field Trips
Emergency Meals
Snack Plus
Summer Feeding
12 Day Menu Cycle
Reduce labor

Studies show that proper nutrition improves a child’s behavior, school performance and overall cognitive development. A healthy eating environment teaches children good nutrition and the elements of a proper diet. Establishing these fundamentals early will have a positive effect on a child’s eating habits and physical well-being throughout their entire life.
Principals, teachers and parents can help make schools healthier places to learn by providing quality nutrition, integrating physical activity during the school day and teaching children about the importance of embracing a healthy, active lifestyle.
Opportunities to succeed……….for all of us.
Champion Foodservice offers twelve lunch menus that are wholesome and convenient foods that work with both the National School Lunch Program as well as the National Supper Program. Our Lunch Champs provide one third or more of the recommended levels for key nutrients. We will work with you to develop menus that fit both your program needs as well as the needs of your children. With Lunch Champs you can rest assured that you will be offering good foods that meet or exceed the healthy eating guidelines. It couldn’t be easier. Give your children great tasting, nutritionally based food thereby increasing program participation which translates to healthy minds and program dollars!
© 2016 by Champion Foodservice